The Elevator Pitch – A Small Home Business Idea

What floor of success are you on. Are you ready to ride the elevator to success? What you are about to read will change the way you deal with the elevator. You are about to learn about a business technique that can help your business grow. Never has there been a better time to become a business networker.
Abound, there are plenty of industry gatherings, trade shows, card exchanges and Chamber of Commerce meetings. “What do you do” is the most frequently asked question at these events. What is the answer you will give? If you are serious about increasing your business, that moment is not the time to go blank. Having an answer that is well thought out, timely and easy to understand is vital for your business survival and prosperity. You have a 15-30 second window to dazzle and describe how your business will benefit theirs.
Have you ever struck up a conversation with someone in the elevator? If you have, you are more than half way to understanding and using your elevator pitch. The elevator pitch is business jargon for a quick and powerful description of your business that can be given to someone before they get off of the elevator. The elevator pitch is not just a small home business idea. It is a powerful tool than can transform your business.
An effective elevator pitch is absolutely, positively necessary for your business promotion. It needs to become a major part of your business success arsenal. Once you develop it, you will use your elevator pitch time and time again. It will not be used exclusively at networking events. You will use it whenever someone wants to know “what do you do”. It will become of your advertising, website description, letterhead and other promotional items.
As you begin to develop your elevator pitch something amazing happens. You begin to focus on the core theme of what your business is about. This thought process will naturally allow you to ground your business model. It allows you to figure out what makes your business unique and what makes it stand out from your competition.
Try it soon. People want to hear your story! Every day millions wake up looking for solutions to their problems. Head to the local office building, (one with more than one floor of course) and start having some fun. Try doing this: Ask the person riding with you, “oh, did you ask me what I do?” Of course they will be a little startled. Just smile and tell them I am working on my elevator pitch for a big business meeting. Then just spring it on them! 99% of the time, you will get a smile. Don’t forget to ask the magic question, what do you think? What they think is not as important as what you just accomplished. You promoted your business to a perfect stranger who now knows you have something to offer. You never know, that practice session may lead to a million dollar sale! Just keep practicing.
After all, it takes pondering and practicing to make your business crystal clear and enticing to others. Here is an important key. Your pitch must be short and some parts of the services you provide will be left out. That is why it is so important to focus on your companies core value proposition.
Another key element is that your pitch must be very clear. Your neighbor or brother in-law must be able to understand what you do. After all, brother in-law will be needed to promote your business too. He wants his god-children, (niece and nephew) fed properly!
“Hi, I help people turn their ideas into income using the internet. Everybody has one or two special talents and we help them profit from those talents. What set’s us apart from our competition is our phone policy, if you have a phone, you can call us.” Your elevator pitch should talk a little about what makes you different from your competition.
Make sure your elevator pitch gives them something to remember you for. As business networking becomes more and more important, we all need to spend time telling others what makes us someone they want to do business with. Your elevator pitch will provide that brief window into your business and what you have to offer. So, is the elevator pitch a great small home business idea? Without a doubt it is. Create your elevator pitch today and start sharing “what do you do” to everyone who has time between the 1st and 15th floor! Here’s to all the success you are willing to work for.

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